Momentos World presents:
Quintessência - a trailer by Juliana Almeida
Premiere on 27th March 2022 at 7pm Brazil and Midnight Europe
This ist the newest trailer of the Artistic Cloud Centre Momentos World, the VAD - Video Art Dance, carries the signature of the choreographer Vinicius and was born from the will of the Momentos Coordinators to perform a beautiful artistic work even in the midst of the troubled pandemic period, as an alternative to the live dance performances.
The inspiration for the theme of the film, "Quintessence", comes from the commonly accepted definition that the union and alchemy of the four elemental manifestations of nature, "fire, earth, water and air", generates what we call the "Fifth Element"; In a poetic license, maybe the mystical concept, maybe the technology so present in the contemporary life, maybe the own discovery undertaken by the project and by each one of its subjects; or, as in the scientific definition, the fifth essence obtained from the distillation of a substance for the fifth time, resulting in another one, unique and unusual, refined and special. Or perhaps an Aristotelian definition would be appropriate here: the Ether, the fifth element which, together with the other four, gives rise to the celestial bodies. Whatever the case, the result of this alchemical experimentation turned out to be poetry.
The whole process was contemplated by an unusual musical production, which counted with unpublished soundtracks, created exclusively for "Quintessence". The Momentos musicians-coordinators, came together to conceive 5 musical tracks, one for each element worked: water, fire, air, earth and ether. All tracks together guided our dance and presaged our immersion.
The project as a whole counts with the collaboration of dance and performance artists, set and costume design, video art and music, media and visual communications, artistic and executive production and of course the audience, a conglomerate of talents that in its essence vibrates art in greater potency, that is the "Quintessence". The result can be nothing other than a work of impact and unique feelings, which was possible thanks to the joint dedication between artists, admirers and sponsors/collaborators. Our eternal thanks for the unspeakable support and immense partnership of the Goethe Institute of São Paulo in supporting the VAD Workshop and to Audi do Brasil for sponsoring the production of "Quintessência" - the film.
General Direction: Rodolfo Paganelli
Artistic Director: Vinicius
Cinematography: Juliana Almeida
Executive Producer: Arthur Magalhães
Performers: Eliane Diniz & Vinicius
Guest Performers: Agatha Cristina, Carina Barreto, Carol Faria, Denise Guerchon, Dora Mora, Murillo Furtado, Larissa Verônica and Ludmilla Fhaedra
Set design: Roosevelt Silva
Costumes: Eliane Diniz and Roosevelt Silva
Editing and finalization: Rodolfo Paganelli
Graphic design: Maciel Paludo, Roosevelt Silva
Soundtrack: Beba Zanettini, Eduardo de Paula & Kleber Gonçalves
Audi do Brasil
Goethe-Institut São Paulo
Choreographic Center of Rio de Janeiro
Cultural Center Vila Formosa, São Paulo
Angel Vianna Dance Faculty, Rio de Janeiro
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